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  3. General usage

General usage

BEAR API follows a RESTful API Structure. The following verbs are used in requests:

HTTP Request type Description
GET Use this type to read data from server.
E.g. GET http://apidev.bear2b.com/users will get list of users.
POST Create new object.
E.g. POST on http://apidev.bear2b.com/users with required parameters will create new user
PUT Update existing object.
In this type of request unique ID of the object is required. E.g. to update user’s first and last names you can call PUT http://apidev.bear2b.com/users/5?first_name=Kim&last_name=Ivanov
DELETE Delete existing object.
In this type of request unique ID of the object is required. E.g. to delete a user with id=5 we have to call DELETE http://apidev.bear2b.com/users/5

There is a lot of REST tools which help you to send any type of REST requests. We personally prefer REST Console – Google Chrome’s extension.

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