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Batch operations

Starting API v2.5 we BEAR API supports batch operations for data modification.

Batch operations are allowed for POST, PUT, and DELETE requests only

To make a batch request, you can send an array of jsons (instead of json as for single request) in request body. Content type has to be application/json.

By default, batch request performed as background one, so you will be provided with background request id (bgrs_id) to be used later to get request results. Like https://apidev.bear2b.com/v2.5/bgrs/<bgrs_id>/result. To force API perform NON background request parameter bgrs=false can be provided.

Asynchronous (background) processing

E.g. for a call POST https://apidev.bear2b.com/v2.5/campaigns server returns something like this:

      "name":"bulk test 1"
      "name":"bulk test 2"

You will get background request id back:

    "request": "bd53a46a6aa16bf4b51de2757bb9e162"

You can use this request id to get result: GET https://apidev.bear2b.com/v2.5/bgrs/bd53a46a6aa16bf4b51de2757bb9e162/result and have same json as one above:

        "status": 200,
        "body": "{
            "name":"bulk test 1",
        "status": 200,
        "body": "{
            "name":"bulk test 2",
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